Who is WIC for?
- Pregnant women (teens can apply)
- Children up to 5 years old
- Mothers of babies up to 6 months old
- Breastfeeding mothers of babies up to 12 months old
You can Receive WIC even if:
- You are not a legal resident. A green card is not needed.
- You are not a U.S. citizen
- You do not have a social security number
- You or other household members work
- You get Food Stamps, public assistance or Medicaid
- You are a foreign student (F-1 Visa)
What do you get?
Checks for WIC foods that you can use at a neighborhood store and pharmacy.
Nutritious foods such as:
Fruit juice
Peanut butter or dried beans
Infant formula
Nutrition Education
Learn how to choose healthy foods and how to fix healthy meals
Breastfeeding Support & Assistance
- Breast milk is best
Referral to other services including:
- Prenatal (PCAP) and post partum care
- Well baby and child care
- Medicaid
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
- Head Start
- Food Stamps
- Substance abuse treatment
- Family planning
Who is eligible?
Income guidelines for 2006-07* (*income before taxes)
Family Size** Monthly Weekly
1 $1,575 $364
2 $2,111 $488
3 $2,648 $611
4 $3,184 $735
5 $3,721 $859
6 $4,257 $983
7 $4,794 $1,107
8 $5,330 $1,230
**A pregnant woman counts as a two-person family
- You are income eligible for WIC if you receive Medicaid, Food Stamps, or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) or if children receive free or reduced price school meals.
- You must be a New York State resident
- Families who meet income guidelines will be assessed be a health care professional for medical and nutritional risks
For more information about the following programs, call:
WIC Program, Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP), Child Health Plus, and Medicaid
Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
School Meals and the Summer Food Service Program
The above information was provided by the New York State Dept. of Health