This lead program:
- Is responsible for tracking all lead testing activity for children in Orange County between the ages of 6 months and 18 years and case manages all lead poisoned children in the county.
- Includes home visits, agency visits, presentations and health fairs to identify children who need testing and to provide information about health services for children.
- Provides case management services and an environmental evaluation using a lead paint analyzer for children with a venous lead level of >15 ug/dl and over; as well as educational visits to teach about lead hazards, prevention methods, health services and to ensure medical follow up for the child.
- Provides education to community groups, schools, health practitioners, OB/GYN, landlords and homeowners associations on methods to reduce or eliminate lead hazards and to prevent lead poisoning.
Can I test my child for lead?
Yes! It is a Public Health Law that EVERY child be tested at 1 AND 2 years of age.
Remind your doctor to test your child!
Suggested Links:
What Your Child’s Blood Lead Test Means
Get Ahead of Lead Factsheet
Lead Poisoning is a Danger for Every Baby and Child: Here’s What You Should Know
Are You Pregnant? Learn How to Protect You and Your Baby from Lead Poisoning (Spanish)
More Lead Education and Information